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User guides


User-contributed downloads

User contributions are offered with no guarantees or support.
  • Acousonderead.m, a MATLAB M-file that obtains a desired period of data from multiple, temporally contiguous MT files in the working directory or in an optionally-specified alternate directory. Incorporates MTRead.m functionality within itself, so can be used instead of MTRead.m.

    Version 2.1 released 25 June 2018 - Support for mixed aux sample rates.
    Version 2.0.1a released 18 December 2013 - Support for aux data files.

Bioacoustic Probe downloads

Thse downloads relate to the Bioacoustic Probe, the ancestor of the Acousonde. The Acousonde shares many concepts of operation with the Bioacoustic Probe, so the latter's manual in particular offers an understanding of how both instruments work.

Obsolete downloads